Amazing Letter Formation No Prep Activities to Try Right Now In Your Classroom | Bilingual Classroom Resources
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Amazing Letter Formation No Prep Activities to Try Right Now In Your Classroom

Abecedario- Traza las letras

The capacity to appropriately create the alphabet's letters is known as letter formation. In order to learn to write, it is a crucial talent.

Many students have never held a pencil before, thus it is our responsibility as educators to guide them through the basics. Although their writing won't always be perfectly readable, there are strategies to help kids develop those fine motor skills as handwriting is a crucial part of writing. 

How Can Letter Formation Be Taught?

Teach children to make letters from the top down. Beginning letters at the top is typically simpler and will eventually help kids write more quickly and without getting as tired.

Young children find letter formation worksheets easier when they have directional arrows to demonstrate proper letter formation.

BOOM Cards For Letter Formation 

Your students will practice letter formation with animated gifs. These BOOM Cards include upper- and-lower-case letters

Abecedario- Formación de letras

Abecedario | Formación de letras | BOOM Cards | Spanish Alphabet | Traza letras

Spanish Alphabet

Letter Formation Worksheets

They are a fantastic addition to your classroom because you just download, print, and use!

Traza el abecedario

Traza el abecedario | Spanish alphabet | Formación de letras | Letter Tracing

Your students trace the letters to practice writing each letter correctly. Then they independently write the letters on the dotted lines. I love to tell my students to do their best work here, and then I come back and circle the letter they choose as the best. Students then color the pictures on that page that begin with the corresponding letter. 

Traza el abecedario | Spanish alphabet | Formación de letras | Letter Tracing

How can I Use Them?

One of my favorite ways to use these worksheets  is along my BOOM Cards Formación de letras during literacy centers but I also like to use these worksheets as morning work.  After my students unpack their backpacks in the morning, I put a sheet at each of their seats, and they start working straight away. 

I utilize these worksheets in my small groups if I see that any kids need extra assistance with writing their letters so that I can work one-on-one with anyone who needs it.

Traza el abecedario | Spanish alphabet | Formación de letras | Letter Tracing

In what order should letters be taught?

When we teach young children letter names and letter sounds, we teach them letters that allow them to quickly build words. We  follow a set sequence throughout our curriculum for teaching letters. This is the sequence that we follow in my school: o, i, e, a, u, m, s, d, f, t, c fuerte, c suave, n, p, l, r, g fuerte, g suave, b, v, j, h, ch, ñ, ll, q, k, y, z, x, w.

We expose the complete alphabet throughout the course of the first six weeks. We introduce five letters each week.

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