Are you answering spelling-related questions often? If you're like most bilingual teachers, I think your answer is, "Yes, all the time!!"
I have a solution for you! You should have a Picture Dictionary in your classroom!!
What is a Picture Dictionary?
Picture Dictionary is similar to a traditional
dictionary, except that each word is accompanied by an image. This means that
even if a learner is unable to read the text in a standard dictionary, he or
she can perform all of the 'dictionary' tasks, such as looking up an unknown
word, checking spelling, or determining the meaning of a word.
Words are classified in this picture dictionary. The categories are thematic, such as el clima, los verbos, los lugares,etc. The categories help your students find the word they need to spell.
Themes included:
•Saludos y despedidas
•Emociones y sentimientos
•Los días de la semana
•Los meses del año
•Las estaciones
•El clima
•Los útiles escolares
•El equipo de la clase
•Los colores
•Los números del 0 al 30
•Adjetivos para descripciones físicas
•Adjetivos para descripciones de personalidad
•Los lugares
•Los verbos
Benefits of using a Picture Dictionary in your classroom
Picture dictionaries are especially beneficial to
beginning writers. Your students are filled with stories in their heads. A
large number of words are required for many of those stories. Because students
frequently write about their lives, the picture dictionary will help them tell
their stories without having to ask how to spell each and every word.
Students can use the Picture Dictionary to help them improve their spelling and writing skills. Your students will enjoy feeling independent and accomplished, and you will save time in your day by not having to spell a word for them.
Students can use the Picture Dictionary to help them improve their spelling and writing skills. Your students will enjoy feeling independent and accomplished, and you will save time in your day by not having to spell a word for them.
How to use them:
•Writer's workshop
•Morning work
•Homework folder
•Display posters as visual aids
Students enjoy having and using
this dictionary because it gives them a sense of accomplishment to be able to
"read" the words using the visual clues. They also enjoy copying the
words that they require. This resource is also ideal for first-time writers!
I hope you implement this great picture dictionary in your kindergarten writing centers!!

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