Why are Classroom Jobs important? Trabajos del salón | Bilingual Classroom Resources
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Why are Classroom Jobs important? Trabajos del salón

Classroom Jobs l Editable Classroom Jobs in Spanish l Trabajos del salón

One thing that I found essential for a successful school year is assigning classroom jobs to my students.

Classroom Jobs l Editable Classroom Jobs in Spanish l Trabajos del salón

Classroom jobs benefited both the students and the teacher. They helped me delegate small tasks to my students and taught them how to take on responsibilities. Overall, they help my students relate to each other and build a community environment. 

Those aren’t the only benefits to having classroom jobs.

Here are more benefits:

*Students get excited to contribute to the class.
*Students feel comfortable taking on responsibilities.
*As a teacher, you can focus less on the smaller tasks, and focus on the larger ones throughout the day.

I display my classroom jobs using a pocket chart. The pocket chart helps me to see who is responsible for each job. Before I assign the jobs to my students, I write down their names on clothes pins and I put my job cards on a pocket chart. (Note: clothes pins are shown blank in the photo below for student privacy). I assign the jobs to my students by attaching their clothes pin to their job card.

Classroom Jobs l Editable Classroom Jobs in Spanish l Trabajos del salón

I have 24 classroom jobs ready to use. The best part is that these classroom jobs are editable so you can customize the cards for any job you would like! 

Classroom Jobs l Editable Classroom Jobs in Spanish l Trabajos del salón

Classroom Jobs l Editable Classroom Jobs in Spanish l Trabajos del salón

I change my classroom jobs daily but if you prefer you can do it weekly.

What's your favorite part of using classroom jobs in your classroom?

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