We all know that recognition of rhyme is one of the first ways that a child demonstrates phonological awareness (an important part of literacy development).
Teaching students to recognize and produce rhyme is a whole lot of fun. Using books with rhyme is a great way to introduce this concept. When you read rhyming books, children are exposed to the rhythm of language. Using books in this manner also improves oral language development. Here are a few of my favorite books:
Huevos verdes con jamón and El viejo y su puerta which is a cute book about an older man that misunderstands his wife. She asks him to bring "la puerca" to the BBQ, but he ends up bringing "la puerta".
Matching games are also ideal for teaching students to recognize and produce rhyme.
I made these rhyming puzzles, I hope your kids have as much fun as mine did! Click on the image to get them.
Happy rhyming!
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